
Showing posts from March, 2023

Are Women resistant to Hearing Loss?

Hearing is very important of the senses which help adults carry on with their work and social life. The same hearing sense helps children hear speech sounds among others and help them acquire speech and language. It is generally well understood about sensory organs lose their acuity with aging. Hearing acuity also reduces with aging and infact that is the biggest known cause of permanent hearing loss . This article shall help all women understand about all the known risk factors of hearing loss and also something about prevention and treatment options for hearing loss. This article shall help all women understand about all the known risk factors of hearing loss It is now clear that women have a very different way of aging when hearing is concerned. To understand the same better we need to know the concept of an audiogram. An Audiogram is the graphical representation of hearing acuity which is measured across 6-7 sound frequency zones. The audiogram curve which is a flat line at 20 ye...