Water in ear

The sensation of a muffled ear caused by the presence of water in the ears is common. It is characterized by a rustling noise through the ear canal and gurgling sounds on the eardrum. Noises in the ears can be annoying and can lead to ailments such as insomnia. Normally, the ear should reopen after a short time so that the water can drain, often just shaking or tilting the head is enough.

Risks of water in the ear
If the sensation of muffled ear persists for several days, it is likely that the earwax inside the ear canal has absorbed some of the water, enlarging and occluding the ear. If ear pain does not go away within a couple of days, this can be a wake-up call for an ear canal infection.

Pain and itching in the ear can indicate an ear infection caused by germs in the water. In this case, the otolaryngologist can prescribe an antibiotic if necessary and remove the remaining water from the ear. Failure to treat these warning signs can, in the worst case, lead to hearing loss.

Water in babies ear: how to do?
In babies and children, ear inflammation caused by water entry can develop more rapidly because their Eustachian tube is shorter and narrower and their immune systems are not yet as strong as that of an adult. So, if water containing germs flows into the baby’s ear from the outside and keeps the ear canal moist, otitis media can quickly develop.

Tympanic effusion, on the other hand, is wheb a liquid forms inside the ear and collects behind the eardrum. Most of the time, an effusion from the tympanic cavity causes pain in the affected person. Tympanic effusions are more common in young children and should be treated quickly in any case as they can lead to pain and decreased hearing.


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